
8 Days Down

20 to go.

I just shredded my heart out. I'm still on level one, though now I am alternating between following Natalie (advanced) and Anita (beginner, j.v., wow-you-are-out-of-shape). Anita will periodically give a little head-shake or extra exhale as if to say "woah- this is tough". She's really trying to encourage those flabby home exercisers; trying to show that we're all working hard here to reach our goals and gosh aren't these jumping jacks taxing? COME ON ANITA WE KNOW THIS IS NOTHING FOR YOU. I prefer Natalie, who does not patronize me like that.

Just so you know, these are the arms I am aiming for:

Do you think that using soup cans as arms weights will get me there? I am using the "Rich & Hearty" soup from Progresso...

I don't think I look significantly different yet. We don't have a scale here, so I can't really weigh myself to track if I'm losing any pounds. Sure, a couple of people here and there have mentioned that I look a little smaller, a little more toned (What's that? You just mistook me for Heidi Klum? Oh stop. Really.) Like I said a few days ago, I am not changing much in my diet- I am just adding in the workouts with J-Mike. The most significant difference between now and a few weeks ago is that I feel better physically. It feels good to exercise and move, even if it's only for 20 minutes a day. And my body is feeling better too- today I only stopped to rest one time during the push-up phase. One time! The first day I did this I am sure I stopped several times. Also, my calves are not screaming in pain anymore. Another sign that I am, as Jillian says, on my way to being "shredded".


  1. Stay the course. And if those freakish looking arms are your goal, then more power to ya, woman.

  2. Please don't ever post another picture of Madonna on this blog. blegh! Shoot for younger, less gross looking arms.

  3. Madonna arms = scary. I think you should invest in a pair of 5lb weights. tjmaxx is the place. i am so proud of you. and you're cracking me up all along the way!

  4. why is no one supporting me in my goal toward madonna-like arms? come on, ya'll.

  5. Oh my gosh, you're HILARIOUS!!!!!!!! love this post-----

  6. i'm trying to look like this:


  7. Love the 30 Day Shred. A great workout in 20 minutes! Although, I do have to play music to cover Jillians voice. You'll have those arms in no time!

  8. I feel like you already have great arms kat! I'm looking forward to seeing your guns the next time I see you!

  9. kelly you won't even recognize me.

    and the joan rivers thing freaks me out.


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